Two thousand years ago the Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy said glaciers on the Mountains of the Moon, shown above, were the source of the Nile.
After an easy flight to Seattle, I had a peaceful afternoon with my friends the Welti’s and then spoke at Elliott Bay, a wonderful Seattle bookstore. The audience was small, about twenty people, but included two people with surprising information. An old boyfriend of Rekha Sharma, with whom I’d climbed Bhrigupanth, told me about some of their adventures together and also that Rekha had been the first woman to climb Nanda Devi, India’s highest peak.
When I showed the photo above of the Ruwenzori, the amazing glaciated peaks straddling the border of Uganda and Congo, a woman in the audience who’d climbed there two years ago, told us that these incredible glaciers on the equator are all gone now. If anyone doubts the reality of climate change, this is visible and tragic evidence that we must reduce our emissions of fossil fuels.
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At 5:57 PM,
gc141x said…
Interested in the reference to Rekha Sharma. I took a course at the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering in Uttarkashi in about 1974 and her father. Col LP Sharma, was the principal so I remember meeting the family. George Chacko
At 9:07 PM,
gadson said…
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At 9:09 PM,
gadson said…
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At 9:28 PM,
gadson said…
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At 9:31 PM,
gadson said…
I can be reached at
At 9:41 PM,
gadson said…
I was married to Rekha Sharma for 11 yrs. I knew her father ( Brig. Gen L.P. Sharma (ret). and her whole family. I may be able to answer questions you might have
At 9:43 PM,
gadson said…
And as I understand the account from Rekha, she was THE only woman to reach the summit on that expedition, with her climbing partner (a man who's name I will not disclose here). And there is a lot more to the story.
At 3:55 AM,
sameer dabbu said…
Could any one let me know the where about of Rekha Sharma or her brother Rahul sharma
At 3:56 AM,
sameer dabbu said…
Could any one let me know the where about of Rekha Sharma or her brother Rahul sharma
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